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نحو نظام آلي لمراقبة تنفيذ البرامج الأكاديمية من خلال الأهداف

أحمد الحسين السيد نغميشي – جامعة سلمان بن عبد العزيز، السعودية


الكلمات الجوهرية: التعلم الإلكتروني – توليد الاختبار آلياً – التقييم بمساعدة الحاسب – تقييم الاختبار الجيد – تقييم مستويات أداء الطلاب – مراقبة تنفيذ البرامج الأكاديمية من خلال الأهداف

Toward an Automated System to Monitor the Implementation of Academic Programs through Objectives
Educational institutions are heading towards the application of quality standards and obtain accreditation to their academic programs from both local and international organizations. Because the goal is not just to obtain accredition, but the ultimate goal is to monitoring the implementation and application of standards, especially with regard to the educational process, so it was essential to the educational institutions to verify the implementation of the objectives of the academic programs and measure them. Because each academic program contains a large number of courses and each course learning outcomes serve the objectives of the program, so it is logical that is monitoring the implementation of the course learning outcomes and measure them to monitor the implementation of the program objectives and measure the achievement of those objectives in order to emphasize the realization of them, or for studying the weaknesses in the case of lack of access to specific satisfaction rate for achieving the objectives. To monitor the learning outcomes for each course, this requires measure them using direct assessment tools used in the course, whether written tests, practical tests, oral tests, research projects or other tools and this process will require complex calculations. In this paper, I introduce a proposal to develop an automated system to monitor the implementation of academic programs through objectives and measure them. The system also automatically generate written tests through table of specifications for ensuring that the tests apply the good characteristics and we can also identify the weaknesses in the case of lack of access to the level of satisfaction with the achieved objectives.
Keywords: E-learning – Automatic Exam Generation – Computer Assisted Assessment – Good Test Assessment – Students Performance Levels Assessment – Monitoring the Implementation of Academic Programs through Objectives

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